Aug 28, 2018
This week’s episode is super important because I’m talking about why it is necessary to stop approaching this process of changing habits and losing weight from the perspective of your former dieter self. As long as you keep looking at it from that perspective, you’re going to get in your own way and not...
Aug 21, 2018
Are there people in your life who seem to want to sabotage your efforts to lose weight and develop a healthier relationship with food?
It could be a relative or a friend. Maybe a coworker. Your mother?
Have you had the experience of people saying things to you like:
Aug 14, 2018
Eating is a very social thing. We plan events of all sizes around it. Parties. Weddings. Holidays. Meeting your friends for lunch.
Eating is so social that some people actively dislike eating by themselves. How many of you would not walk into a restaurant alone, even if you’re traveling by yourself?
Today, I’m...
Aug 7, 2018
What stories do you tell yourself that keep you from finally dropping your extra weight?
Maybe you don’t realize it, but we all have our little stories. Things we believe about ourselves and our relationship with food and weight loss. Stories that we have believed for so long that we don’t even question them.