Dec 31, 2019
Are you always focusing on your goal weight? Aiming for a certain number of pounds you want to lose?
Is your mood for the day affected by the number on the scale each morning?
If so, how does that feel? Pretty miserable?
That may be why you’re not having much success at unleashing that naturally thin person...
Dec 24, 2019
Do you have difficulty knowing when you’re really hungry?
What’s going on when you just ate dinner an hour ago, but feel the urge to eat?
Are you really hungry when when you walk past a food vendor or restaurant and the smells make you want some?
How about those ads on TV that get you thinking you want pizza?
Dec 17, 2019
It’s almost that time of year when people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions.
In 2019, about 48% of people who made New Year’s resolutions wanted to lose weight. The number who succeed? 3-5 %! Most people give up on their resolution after a month.
You’re not going to resolve to go on a diet, are...
Dec 10, 2019
Have you heard many people say they’re addicted to food? Or addicted to sugar? Chocolate? Various other foods?
Have you thought you were, too?
Maybe you’ve read that sugar is supposedly addictive because it lights up your brain’s reward center the same way that cocaine does. The truth is that there are all...
Dec 3, 2019
What’s the philosophy behind my approach to food, eating and weight?
Why did I feel called to become a coach despite being very happy with my fascinating practice as an arbitrator and mediator?
You already know that there are thousands of diets out there. And by diets I mean regimens consisting of temporary...