Dec 22, 2020
After getting through a difficult day, or even a not-so-difficult day, do you treat yourself by eating when you aren’t hungry?
If so, you’re among the great majority of people who want to lose weight, but consistently undermine their efforts with this habit.
Chances are that your parents started you down this road...
Dec 8, 2020
How often do you think the same negative thoughts about yourself or your life?
Have you ever thought about how those thoughts trip you up?
The thing is that most of those thoughts simply aren’t true!
This distorted information that your brain thinks has a name:
Cognitive bias.
Cognitive biases are errors in how...
Nov 24, 2020
How often do you let a setback cause you to toss in the towel?
If you give up on your goals just because you made a mistake, you need to know this: Setbacks are a normal part of change.
To quote Gareth Michael, “Each mistake is simply a lesson waiting to be discovered.”
Think about how that approach could change...
Nov 10, 2020
The Weight Loss for Foodies approach is all about ditching your unconscious, unhealthy eating habits and establishing new ones that will not only help you enjoy eating more than ever, but will also move you towards a more comfortable weight.
So much of how most people eat is an unconscious habit, and that is precisely...
Oct 27, 2020
I was listening to an episode of Cheryl Strayed’s Dear Sugars podcast in which she talked about her experience with Vogue magazine just before the release of Wild, her autobiography about transformation and overcoming adversity. Vogue was doing a piece about powerful women, and they wanted to feature her.
On the day...