Oct 27, 2020
I was listening to an episode of Cheryl Strayed’s Dear Sugars podcast in which she talked about her experience with Vogue magazine just before the release of Wild, her autobiography about transformation and overcoming adversity. Vogue was doing a piece about powerful women, and they wanted to feature her.
On the day...
Oct 13, 2020
As a weight coach, I see one of my roles as fighting our cultural stigma about body size.
Sure I want to help people be at a weight where they’re comfortable, but weight stigma actually keeps you stuck.
Worse, it is one of the last bastions of what many people still consider an acceptable prejudice. Too many people...
Oct 6, 2020
In the world of dieting, too much emphasis is placed on what to eat to lose weight.
Diets prohibit you from eating certain foods, usually ones that taste really good. The ones you enjoy the most.
Some of the most popular fad diets even prohibit you from eating nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and beans.
All of...