Jul 28, 2020
Are you merely consuming content about weight loss, or are you actually doing the work?
“No great achievement is possible without persistent work.”
Those words of Bertrand Russell are applicable to changing your eating habits, achieving food freedom and reaching your healthy weight.
Sure, you can listen to a podcast episode once and hear me explain how to manage your emotions so that you don’t eat when you aren’t hungry. You can know how to manage your thinking. But if, when you get the urge to eat because you’re upset about something, you don’t coach yourself, and instead you eat to avoid your feelings, nothing will change.
When you’re trying to change lifelong habits, just having the knowledge of how to fix it doesn’t go very far.
You can learn many things, but if you don’t put them into practice, you’ll go nowhere.
This week’s podcast is about the three keys to success in weight management, good health, and pretty much everything else in life: commitment, persistence and consistency.
Listen to learn how to do more than just know what to do. Learn the six things you must do to put your knowledge to good use!
If you haven’t checked out my free video masterclass, Kick the Emotional Eating Habit for Good, what are you waiting for? Sign up at sharibroder.com, and watch it at your convenience.