Jul 31, 2018
Are you a fat talker?
You heard that right. No, it isn’t a typo. What I mean is —do you talk to other women about how fat you feel or about other women’s weight?
Like when someone says, “Wow, I look like a beached whale in this dress!”
Or, “No way I’m going to the beach. No one’s going to see me in a swim suit.”
Or “Can you believe she wore that outfit? She doesn’t exactly have the figure for it.”
If you answered “no” to my original question, you’re either in a tiny minority of women, you don’t understand what fat talk is, or maybe you’re not being honest!
It isn’t just talking about our own bodies that is a problem. It’s talking about other women’s bodies, too.
Listen to learn more about what fat talk is and why it is harmful.
And what you can do to change it.
Take the pledge to end fat talk now!